eCOTS 2024 - About

Theme: What’s Next? Moving Forward

As we think of moving the discipline forward, we should consider bringing everyone with us: colleagues and students. What are the ways that we can ensure that we do this?

Additionally, we should carefully consider the rest of our content, technology, and pedagogy in moving the disciple forward. As an analogy, when you move between dwellings, you must pick up every item and examine it closely. Sometimes, the thing is something we don’t need anymore, so we donate, recycle, or throw it out. Other times, we might think that we still need the item, but maybe in a different format. Other things will still be an absolute necessity. Now consider these ideas for the discipline of statistics and data science education. What are absolute necessities, what needs to change, and what do we leave behind? 


Moving Forward Tracks:
•    Moving Forward - What's Next in Technology?
•    Moving Forward - What's Next in Pedagogy
•    Moving Forward - What's Next in Content?
•    Past, Present, and Future of Statistics/Data Science


Some possible ideas:
•    How do data science and statistics fit together going forward?
•    What topics should we be adding to our courses? Which ones should we be leaving behind?
•    How do we take everyone with us?
•    How can we move forward in our teaching sustainability?
•    How do we prepare teachers of statistics? What are the priorities? Are they the same or new?
•    How do we move forward in the face of or with generative AI (i.e., ChatGPT)?
•    As we move forward, can we leave lectures behind us?
•    In moving forward, we should reflect on where we have been. With that in mind, how does that inform (or not) where we should go from here?


eCOTS 2024 Organizing Committee

  • Tyler George, Cornell College
  • Megan Mocko (chair), University of Florida
  • Kelly Spoon, San Diego Mesa College
  • Dennis Pearl, Penn State University
  • Jennifer Ward, Clark College
  • Jonathan Wells, Grinnell College
  • Vimal Rao, University of Illinois
  • Beverly L. Wood, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • Juan Gomez, Carmel High School, CA
  • Allison Theobold, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

eCOTS 2024 Poster Session Committee

  • Judith Canner (co-chair), California State University, Monterey Bay
  • Heather Cook (co-chair), University of Southern Indiana
