eCOTS 2022 - Reading Groups

Are you interested in reading more about this year's eCOTS theme about preparing the modern student? Even better, would you like to discuss it with fellow Statistics educators? Your chance has arrived!

General Information

Before and After eCOTS, there will be several reading groups around the theme of expanding opportunities.

  • The virtual reading groups will consist of 8 – 12 individuals who will meet four times to discuss the book.
  • During the first meeting, the reading groups will establish their general structure.
  • The facilitator will email you with more information within a few days of the start of the session.

Reading Groups

  • Police Violence Reading Group
    When: 3:30-4:30 Wednesdays ET, starts the week of April 18th
    Facilitator: Tian An Wong, University of Michigan-Dearborn
    The virtual reading group will explore a recent Lancet meta-regression on fatal police violence, paired with a report on the mathematics on gun violence. The broad goal of the reading group, aside from understanding these papers themselves, is to think of (1) how to teach this material in a data science and/or statistics classroom and (2) ways to apply the proposals for further research in the latter report to the study of police violence using data science and statistical methods.
  • Diversity and motivation: Culturally responsive teaching in college by Ginsberg, M. B. & Wlodkowski, R. J.
    When: TBD by Doodle Poll, starts the week of May 9th
    Facilitator: Tierra Stimson, University of Arizona
    To help prepare students for success in an ever changing collaborative, diverse, and global world, we need to consider that modern students themselves come from diverse backgrounds in socioeconomics, race and ethnicity, culture, age, interests and more and that their perspectives matter to their own learning, now and in the future. By applying their cultural experiences in the classroom, students will be fully engaged in the learning process, increasing their success in learning outcomes, and they will and will be able to learn to collaborate with others who are different from themselves. The virtual reading group will allow instructors to explore the ways they can help students in statistics become better collaborators in a diverse and global world. At the end of the reading, instructors will create a concrete plan for making their statistics courses culturally inclusive.
  • Flipped Learning by Robert Talbert
    When: Fridays at 3:00 pm ET and asynchronously through Slack starting the week of May 9th
    Facilitators: Melissa Crow, New College and Megan Mocko, University of Florida  
    One of the most important benefits of flipped learning is that it helps students learn about their own learning processes, while also giving more time for instructors and students to actively explore concepts together in class. However, a well-designed flipped classroom involves far more than just posting lecture videos online; it requires instructors to think deeply about what learning outcomes are crucial for the modern student, to reflect on which skills are most challenging for students, and to incorporate structured class activities targeting those skills. In this book club, we will use Talbert’s guide to Flipped Learning to understand both the theory and the application of flipped learning in the modern statistics classroom.
    Are you interested in participating in a reading group? Please complete the google form.
